Keeping Your Cool While Out on Bail

If you have been charged with a crime and the judge let you post bond, your freedom is something you want to make certain you don’t lose. The judge could have required you to stay in jail until your case was heard, which can sometimes take months or even over a year depending on the seriousness of the charge. It is important to keep your cool while you are out on bail, to help with your case and to keep your freedom. The consequences of getting into trouble while out on bail are very serious.

Bad Behavior Consequences

If you act out while you are out on bail, the judge may revoke your bail. This means that you may have to spend the remaining time in jail, while you wait for your trial or the next court hearing. Rather than being able to spend time with friends, family and romantic partners, now you will have to be behind bars and have every movement monitored and controlled by the jail and its agents.

Even if the judge does not revoke your bail, you may still face other consequences. The judge or jury will know about the bail being revoked and this may influence their opinion of you regarding your current charges. This could mean that you could get convicted of a crime that you didn’t even commit because you made a bad impression on the jury. Not to mention the criminal record this kind of action will establish; if there is a next time, the fact that you did not abide by your bail conditions may prevent you getting bail in the future, or at least raise the bail face amount.

Activities to Avoid

While you want to avoid all criminal activity and stay on the straight and narrow while you are out on bail, there are particular types of activities that you should definitely avoid. First, don’t go back and perform any type of criminal behavior for which the charges are currently pending. For example, if you are being charged with possession of a controlled substance, and you get caught being in possession while you are out on bail, it will be hard for the jury to believe you weren’t guilty of the first charge. You should also avoid any violent crimes while you are out on bail. Additionally, you should avoid any association with felons, steer clear of weapons or anyone who owns or carries one.  Closely follow your stipulated bail conditions, which may include abstaining from alcohol – and if someone throws a beer can in your trash barrel and an officer of the court drops by, you could be handcuffed and on your way back to jail in a New York minute.

Leaving the Area

Sometimes the judge will order that you stay within a designated area while your charges are pending. Do not get caught crossing that line or the judge may revoke your bail, thinking that you are trying to take flight. Perceiving you as a flight risk is one big reason why a judge may deny you bail in the future.

Tips for Staying Out of Trouble

It is important to be on your best behavior and to get through your time before court appearances without getting into any more trouble. Here are a few steps that you can take:

  1. Avoid hanging out with certain friends or family members that may influence you to do wrong.
  2. Avoid drugs or alcohol that may impair your judgment.
  3. Try to work or attend school during the time that you are waiting for court. This will make you look better for the judge and jury and will help fill some of your free time.

Avoid hanging out with people that anger you and may cause you to get into altercations.

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