Consequences of a DUI

What Exactly is DUI?

Driving under the influence (DUI) leads to more arrests than any other crime in California. A DUI can lead to several harsh consequences, including jail time. An arrest for a DUI often leads to a long line of problems for a person both before and after their sentencing. Most believe that they know what a DUI charge entails, but many people don’t know that a person doesn’t even have to have a single alcoholic beverage in their system to be charged with the crime. Knowing exactly what is considered a DUI in the state of California is the best way to protect oneself from harsh penalties.

The Legal Definition

Most people know the old rule that having a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher can land a person in jail for driving under the influence, but there are other nuances to the law that many people do not know about. A person under the age of twenty-one, for instance, can receive a DUI if they blow a .01 into a “breathalyzer.” This means a person under the legal drinking age can be arrested for a DUI if they have any trace of alcohol in their system at all while driving.

It is also important to note that a person doesn’t have to have any trace of alcohol in their system to receive a DUI. California law states that if a person under the influence of any drug is operating a vehicle, they may be charged with a DUI if they can’t operate it at the level that a completely sober person would. This can be caused by illegal drugs, prescription drugs or even over the counter medications. The effects of a DUI charge based on drug use are just as harsh as a regular DUI conviction.

Consequences of a DUI

There are several harsh consequences that a person faces if they are convicted of a DUI charge. After only one DUI offense a person may face up to six months in jail, a twenty-six hundred dollar fine, a license suspension lasting up to ten months and the requirement to install an interlock ignition device. All of these consequences are very costly, and they get worse if a person has already been convicted of a prior DUI.

A conviction of driving under the influence can also affect a person’s job, family and future. Being sentenced to even a few days in jail will cause a person to miss time at work. Many bosses will not take kindly to a person missing work over a DUI. The fines related to a DUI conviction can also hinder a person’s ability to pay their bills and take care of their family. One of the most obstructing consequences of a DUI is that it shows up on a person’s criminal record. Even though many job applications state that a conviction will not necessarily bar a person from employment, it will definitely be considered when a manager is deciding whom to hire.

Urgency of Defense

Because of these harsh consequences, it is important for a person to get out of jail as soon as possible and start preparing their defense. Regardless of what many people believe, there are legitimate defenses against a DUI charge, but building a defense case from the confines of a jail cell will be difficult for anyone. DUI offenses are usually listed on a county’s bail schedule, which means a person can often get out of jail on bond before ever seeing a judge. Bail bond agents can usually have a person out of jail within a couple of hours of being contacted. This means a person might not miss any work, and will have plenty of time to contact a lawyer and prepare a defense before being arraigned.

Being convicted of a DUI will seriously affect a person’s life now and in the future. It is important to know that a person doesn’t have to be seriously intoxicated by alcohol to receive a DUI conviction in the state of California. Many people believe that once they are arrested for this crime that they have no choice but to plead guilty and move on with their lives, but this is not the case. There are legitimate defenses against DUI charges, but it is imperative that a person contacts a bail bond agent to get out of jail as quickly as possible so that they can begin their defense.

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