Bail Bondsman or Bounty Hunter

Are they different and what do they do?

Bail bondsmen are hired by defendants, their friends or families to help get a person out of jail while they await trial. A Bounty Hunter; also called a recovery agent, is someone that is hired by a bail bond company to track down a defendant who did not return to court.

If a defendant decides to skip bail, called “failure to appear” and the bondsman is unable to produce them within a set period of time, they are on the hook for paying the full cost of the bond to the court.


LASD Considering Changes to Jail Duty

Inmates at the Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail are not the only ones itching to get out. There are many jail deputies who do not enjoy their time working inside the LA County lockups. Officials for the Sheriff’s Department are hoping that proposed changes, which will speed up promotions, will get deputies more enthusiastic about their time inside the jails.

As of now, deputies have to go on street patrol in order to become supervisors. The new plan will allow deputies to move up in rank while staying on duty in county jails. Sheriff Lee Baca hopes that the two-track career system will allow for a core of experienced jailers who actually want to work in the corrections system.

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Market Pulse Radio Show

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****** Update: March 3, 2012… Video of interview added ******

Bail Hotline on ESPN 1700

Tune in Monday, January 30th the Co-Founder of Bail Hotline, Marco McGuire will be on the “Words From the Wise” segment on the Market Pulse Radio Show.

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Bail Hotline Bail Bonds of California

We know getting arrested is a shocking experience. It’s terrifying and even embarrassing. One could be searching Bail Bonds process in that difficult time might be confused about on which Bail Bond, he or she can rely. You can rely on Bail Hotline Bail Bonds to get you through the bail process, emotionally and financially. Bail Hotline Bail Bonds can guide you step-by-step to overcome the confusing jail system.

Bail Hotline Bail Bonds is a reputed, family-owned business that has provided bail bonds by the California State with a long time. With the strategic network of Bail Hotline Bail Bonds agents and our superior technology, we can immediately service all jails in California. Bail Hotline Bail Bonds provides fast and confidential bail bonding services for persons throughout the State 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Our agents are licensed and experienced professionals who understand the tremendous stress and emotional difficulty faced when trying to arrange bail for a friend or loved one.

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Donation: Community Coaching Center

It's All About The Kids

It’s All About the Kids Foundation is a 501 c[3] non profit organization that creates and provides new and innovative programs to benefit children’s charities and enhances the lives of less fortunate children. In California, we support the Toussaint Academy, Christie’s Place, Fr. Joe’s Villages, Crime Victims Fund, Community Coaching Center and Storefront and Take Wing, programs of San Diego Youth & Community Services.

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Easiest Way To Bail Someone Out

Bailing someone out of jail isn’t particularly difficult. There are some who would even go as far as to say that it was incredibly easy, but that really depends on a number of different factors. The best thing you can do when you want to bail someone out of jail is to talk to a reliable bail bond agency with a good reputation for excellent customer service. The big point is that you should think carefully before you do business with any bail bond agency. Ask yourself whether you would be doing business with them no matter what your emotional state, and then maybe you’ll learn whether you should be working with a particular agency. If you think of Bail Hotline Bail Bonds, your troubles will almost completely go away, because they’ll be able to handle most of the issues that may occur in the bail bonds process. There are a huge number of advantages to taking your time when you are choosing your bail bond agency, so many that we can’t possibly talk about them here.

Once you’ve chosen Bail Hotline Bail Bonds, the rest is extremely simple. You’ll have to give them a few details, they provides flexible payment plans that enables you to get your friend or loved one out fast and provide you with affordable rates. Their Payment options are available to individuals that can’t pay the full premium amount for posting the bond. They discuss your individual needs and can tailor a specific payment plan to meet them. What also sets them apart from their bail bond companies, is their ability to offer Zero Down payment plans.

In case of collateral, they take this into consideration on a case-by-case basis, but Bail Hotline Bail Bonds’ main goal is to provide their clients with a solution that is comfortable to their own needs and situation.

Theme Song

********* update *********
Here is our Winner, Bryant Wright. The picture is of Marco McGuire (one of four owners of Bail Hotline) presenting Bryant which his check for $1,000 for his song submission to our Theme Song Contest. Good Job Bryant!

Listen to our pre-made theme song, think you can do better?

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