Jesus Soto-Karass vs. Mike Jones

HBO will televise the February 19th event ,were Soto-Karass will have a chance to redeem himself from a split decision loss to Jones last November, in the co-featured bout during the Manny Pacquiao – Margarito, pay per view event.


Riverside, CA (PRWEB) February 20, 2011

The Bail Hotline Bail Bonds is proud to co-sponsor Jesus Soto-Karass as he attempts to overcome a split decision loss to Mike Jones last year. The last bout was a 10 round fight in the welterweight division, Soto-Karass was the underdog that wasn’t supposed to last, but made Jones earn the win.
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Christmas Day LA Youth Network

LA Youth Library Recieves Check For Books.

The LAYN will welcome the Bail Hotline volunteers bringing and serving an early Christmas dinner and contributing over 100 brand new books for the center’s recently remodeled library

Los Angeles, Ca, December 25, 2010—California’s leader in Bail Bond services will be bringing holiday cheer to Los Angeles’ largest full-service youth shelter this Christmas: Bail Hotline Bail Bonds, servicing all of California with comprehensive bail bonds services and assistance, will bring and serve a three-course meal to over 30 homeless and at-risk youth at the L.A. Youth Network, in addition to donating a large selection of books to complete the shelter’s brand new library.

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29th Miracle on 1st Street Toy Giveaway

Bail Hotline Bail Bonds sponsors 29th Annual Miracle on 1st Street Toy Giveaway Program.

The December 11th event will take place at the Hollenbeck Center in Los Angeles and feature appearances by Governor Schwarzenegger, prominent actors and professional athletes.

San Diego, Ca, December 8, 2010—Joining the efforts of The Inner-City Games, Hollenbeck Youth Center and Oscar de la Hoya Foundation, Bail Hotline Bail Bonds, servicing all of California with comprehensive bail bonds services and assistance, will be a in-kind sponsor of the 29th Annual Miracle on 1st Street Toy Giveaway Program on December 11th.

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Bail Hotline in San Diego News!

Helping others in these critical times are essential in making sure we all get through these hard times. The Bail Hotline Bail Bonds prides itself in being involved in helping others not only with Bail but in their lives in general. See one of our agents in action in the following video…
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Collateral or No Collateral?

One of the most common questions we get at the Bail Hotline is, do I need collateral? The short answer is maybe. We have done million dollar bonds with just a signature, and we have done $50,000 bonds with three co-signers…so it really depends.

Here are some factors that would probably work in your favor and most likely, you wouldn’t need collateral:
1. You have an attorney
2. You own your own home
3. You have been in the area for a long time
4. You have good credit

Remember, bail is paid as a guarantee that you will show-up to court. The lower the risk, the lower the need for collateral. If you have more questions give us a call at 888-GET-BAIL.

How Bail is Set

Judges are responsible for setting bail. Because many people want to get out of jail immediately (instead of waiting up to five days to see a judge), most jails have standard bail schedules that specify bail amounts for common crimes. An arrested person can get out of jail quickly by paying the amount set forth in the bail schedule.

The Eighth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution requires that bail not be excessive. This means that bail should not be used to raise money for the government or to punish a person for being suspected of committing a crime. Remember: The purpose of bail is to allow the arrested person to remain free until convicted of a crime, and the amount of bail must be no more than is reasonably necessary to keep the suspect from fleeing before a case is over.

Don’t Sign Anything!

Never sign anything that you don’t fully understand!!! And if you have questions, be sure to ask your bail agent BEFORE you sign!!!!

I have been in the bail business a long time. I started with a large, well know, reputable firm. They taught me many things, but when I got into business with my brothers we decided to treat people as if they where part of the family. This principle has been good for our clients and good for business. After ten years we have 13 offices across California and thousands of satisfied customers.

If you are in need of a bail bond service, please read, “The 3 Questions You Must Ask Your Bail Bond Agent BEFORE you Sign Anything”
Even if you choose to do business with another firm, the information will help through the process.