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Drug Trafficking | California HS11379


Certain drug laws in many American states are becoming more relaxed. There are some drug offenses, however–including those in California–which still hold a stiff penalty, and one of the most serious a person could face is trafficking. While not many people fully understand exactly what actions constitute this crime, the word alone brings with it an air of infamy. Due to the complex nature of trafficking laws in California, it is important to understand the basics of the local statutes.

What is Drug Trafficking?

The very fact that California was the first state to allow medical marijuana might seem to indicate a lenient perspective on the exchange of drugs—but , the simplicity of any such transactions ends there, with the parameters of Proposition 215.

There are various drug offenses which could constitute trafficking. California Penal Code 11379 states that selling, transporting, furnishing, administering or even giving away drugs within the state could result in a trafficking charge. In fact, the mere offer to do any of these tasks is enough to bring about a charge. This means that any individual who is caught even attempting to sell drugs could face trafficking-related charges. Depending on the specifics of the case, though, an individual could face excessively severe penalties.

Bail for Drug Trafficking

Before a person even wonders about the penalties they face for, the first concern would be to determine whether bail can be posted. Each California county bail schedule provides its own set bail amounts for those charged with this crime, but it’s important to note that these bail amounts can be significantly different between counties. Only potential punishments are instituted statewide, but bail amounts are under local jurisdiction.

In Sacramento and Santa Cruz Counties, an individual charged with crimes falling under trafficking statutes will face a $25,000 bail amount. In Santa Cruz, though, this amount jumps to $50,000 if the trafficking occurred between different counties. Los Angeles and Orange Counties, on the other hand, have schedules as complex as the state laws related to trafficking. Depending on the specifics of a case, trafficking charges could bring up to a $5 million bail amount in Los Angeles and all the way up to $3 million in Orange county.

Penalties for Drug Trafficking

As mentioned, there are various charges that could be related to trafficking, and depending on how the prosecutor chooses to approach the case, offenders could be sentenced under various statutes. California Statute 11379, however, does list potential punishments for trafficking. One violation can result in up to a four year prison sentence. Those who commit trafficking across county lines, on the other hand, could land in jail for up to 9 years.

It should also be noted that punishments can drop all the way down to one year for some of these charges. Simply possessing a few specific drugs with the intent to sell, for instance, may only result in a year in county jail. Sadly, most people will not know what they face until they’re actually charged. As with most criminal statutes, the prosecuting attorney will decide which charges to bring against a defendant.

Drug trafficking is a serious crime, but luckily for those charged with it, trafficking is still a bailable offense. This means you can get out of jail and start working on your defense, and in the case of trafficking charges, you will definitely need a good one. Drug-related charges are always serious, but the penalties for trafficking in California are especially severe.

Possession of a Controlled Substance | California HS11377


Drug crimes are taken very seriously in California. Even though those outside of the state may think California is lenient on drug charges, due to the allowed use of medical marijuana, many individuals still end up in jail every year for drug related issues. One of the most common charges people are faced with is possession of a controlled substance. Due to the potential seriousness of this crime, anyone charged with it should fully understand the law.

What Constitutes Possession of a Controlled Substance?

Possession of a controlled substance, under California law, means exactly what it says. For prosecutors to convict a person for the crime, they must prove that an individual was in possession of a drug that is listed in the U.S. Controlled Substances Act. These drugs can include anything from heroine to peyote. In fact, even possessing certain legal medications without a prescription can fall under this law.

Prosecutors can prove possession by either showing that an individual had actual possession of the aforementioned controlled substances (meaning on their person) or they had constructive possession, which means the drug was in a location under their control. It must also be proven that an individual knew what they were doing and had enough of the substance to be used in a controlled manner.

Bail Amounts for Possession of Controlled Substances

Bail amounts for possessing controlled substances can vary greatly depending on where a person was arrested in California, and the circumstances of their case. This crime is actually considered a “wobbler,” and this means that prosecutors can charge it as either a misdemeanor or felony. The most important difference to note, however, is the difference in bail amounts by locale.

In San Luis Obispo County, for instance, a misdemeanor charge of possession of a controlled substance will yield a bail amount of $4,500, but this same crime in San Diego County will only lead to a $1,000 bail amount. For felony counts, a person in Los Angeles County could face a $10,000 bail. If, instead, they are captured in Orange County, their bail amount will likely be set at $20,000. For a fuller understanding of the bail schedules defined in each county, contact a Bail Hotline agent who can not only post your bond at a fraction of the face bail amount, but can also assist with payment plans.

Penalties for Possessing Controlled Substances

Misdemeanor convictions will only result in a maximum jail sentence of one year, as it is across the whole country. In addition, a person could have to pay a $1,000 fine. If convicted of felony possession, on the other hand, an individual could face up to three years in a state prison facility. Now there is a chance that a person could go through a drug diversion program rather than spend time in prison, but this is up to the judge.

The penalties for possession of a controlled substance are very serious, and if the prosecutor wishes to make an example of someone, these penalties could become even worse. Because of this, an individual should find legal help immediately if arrested and charged with the crime. There are various defenses to this charge, and as long as an individual doesn’t immediately plead guilty, they still have a chance to avoid conviction.

Possession with Intent to Sell | California HS11378


Just because California allows the use of medical marijuana doesn’t mean that this state is soft on drug crimes. In fact, simply possessing certain drugs can land a person in prison for up to three years. When a person is in possession of controlled substances with the intent to sell them, however, they could face much more serious consequences. Since the penalties are so severe, anyone facing these charges would do well to fully understand the law.

What Constitutes Possession with Intent to Sell?

To prove that a person was in possession of a controlled substance and intended to sell it, California prosecutors must first prove possession. They can do this by showing that a person had a drug that’s listed in the U.S. Controlled Substances Act on their person at the time of arrest. This is known as actual possession. Additionally, possession can be proven by showing that an individual had control over an area, such as their car, where drugs were found.

Possession related to having control over the area where drugs were found is known as constructive possession. When two people have control over the same area, they can still be charged under joint possession rules.

In these cases, prosecutors must also prove that an individual had intent to sell these drugs. This can be proven by several circumstantial pieces of evidence. Evidence can include possession of scales, lots of money (particularly in smaller denominations) or large quantities of the drug. Even having the drug packaged individually in smaller containers can go towards proving intent to sell.

Bail Amounts for Possession with Intent to Sell

Anyone familiar with the California bail system knows that bail amounts for possession with intent to sell can vary widely depending on the county in which the person is arrested. In Los Angeles County, for instance, bail will be set at $30,000 for controlled substance amounts weighing up to one kilogram. This amount can rise all the way up to $5 million, however, depending on the weight of the drugs a person has in his or her control.

San Diego County, on the other hand, has their bail amount for this crime set at a flat $20,000. San Luis Obispo County’s bail is almost identical to this amount, but they set the amount a full $5,000 more at $25,000. If you are uncertain in which facility your friend or family member has been incarcerated, Bail Hotline’s Inmate Search can help provide this information.

Punishments for Possession with Intent to Sell

Those convicted of possession with intent to sell face various penalties. The crime is a felony under California law, and if convicted, an individual could face up to four years in prison for one charge alone; this is in combination with fines that can reach all the way up to $20,000.

Additionally, it is important to note that individuals can actually be charged with the crime multiple times if it can be proven that they intended on making several drug sales. Additionally, aggravating factors, such as excessive weight, can land a person an additional term of up to 25 years. This is in combination with the fact that some crimes, such as transporting drugs, can be charged in relation to possession with intent to sell.

Possessing a controlled substance with the intent to sell it is a very serious crime regardless of where a person resides. As can be gathered from the bail amounts and penalties related to the crime in California, though, it’s not hard to see that the state takes an especially harsh stance on the crime. This is why anyone facing these charges should find a legal professional if they hope to avoid spending a good portion of their life behind bars.

Parole Violations | California PC 3056


California takes all types of crimes very seriously, and in many circumstances, those convicted of criminal activity will face prison time. Fortunately for these individuals, the option of parole exists. This allows a person to be released from prison early and serve the remainder of their sentence under parole supervision. If that person is accused of violating their parole by not following their conditions or by committing another crime, however, they can be rearrested for a parole violation. This is a serious arrest, and everyone facing it should realize what these consequences could be.

What is a Parole Violation?

When a person is released from prison on parole, they are given a set of conditions that they must follow. The commission of any further crime is usually an automatic violation of these conditions. Additionally, other factors, such as failing a drug test, can count as a violation and lead to a person’s rearrest.

Prior to 2013, parolees could be sent back to jail to serve the remainder of their sentence after having their parole revoked by the Board of Parole Hearings. Since this time, however, an individual can be sent back to prison by a court’s decision. Those who are found to not have violated their parole will be free again, but their initial parole terms, conditions and time frame will still exist.

Bail Amounts for Parole Violations

Bail amounts for parole violations aren’t the typical ones that most people face. A person who is arrested for parole violation because they are accused of a new crime, for instance, will face the bail amount for that crime. Unfortunately for these individuals, parole violations will enhance these bail amounts. In Los Angeles and Sacramento Counties, for example, a person will face a $25,000 enhancement on whatever their base bail amount is.

These incredibly high financial burdens can obviously be difficult for anyone to meet. Since an individual can be held for up to 180 days on a parole violation, this can lead to a sometimes unfairly extended incarceration term. This is a charge you would definitely want to speak with an experienced bond agent at Bail Hotline about, to determine what the possibilities and costs of posting bail might be in your circumstance.

Penalties Related to Parole Violations

The penalties related to parole violations may be very familiar to a person who isn’t victorious at their revocation hearing. This is because they will often simply be sent back to prison to finish out the full term that they were initially sentenced to. This means that regardless of whether a person was released on parole during a three year sentence or a 50 year sentence, they’ll be forced to spend the rest of this time imprisoned.

Additionally, if a person’s parole is revoked due to the commission of a new crime, they’ll also face sentencing for that crime if they’re convicted. This can turn a sentence of a few years into a potential lifetime behind bars.

An accusation of parole violation can land a person, who may have strived to achieve parole in the first place, back into prison. This is why an individual who is charged with this violation should quickly seek legal help in order to increase their chances of not facing incarceration. There’s no doubt that those in this situation face a difficult road ahead, but with the right preparation and assistance, this task isn’t insurmountable.


Disorderly Conduct | California PC 647

There are a host of complex criminal laws in the state of California. Some of these laws, such as those related to disorderly conduct, can actually cover an array of different criminal statutes. Unfortunately for those charged with the crime, the penalties can be extremely severe. What’s even more important to note is the fact that the punishments related to this charge can be as complex as the legal definition of the crime itself. This is why it’s essential for a person charged under disorderly conduct laws to fully comprehend what they are up against.

What is Disorderly Conduct?

Disorderly conduct is fully delved into within California’s legal statutes, but in reality, it’s basically a “catchall” when it comes to disturbing behaviors. Loitering, panhandling, squatting and prostitution are all considered forms of disorderly conduct. Even those considered to be too intoxicated in public can be arrested for the crime. It’s important to note, however, that California law isn’t always about punishment in these instances.

Some individuals, such as those who are heavily intoxicated, may be taken into civil protective custody. This could include 72 hours of treatment and evaluation related to alcohol abuse. California law, however, in some cases protects individuals from being prosecuted related to the facts that caused the confinement in the first place.

Bail for Disorderly Conduct

Unfortunately for those facing disorderly conduct charges, their bail amounts will differ depending on the specific crime that occurred related to their disorderly conduct charge. When it comes to prostitution, for instance, an individual can face a bail amount of $1,000 in Orange County. For a second offense in the same county, however, this number can jump to $2,500.

A second offense of prostitution in Los Angeles County, on the other hand, will result in a $5,000 bail amount. Some disorderly conduct charges, however, don’t result in such high bail amounts. Panhandling, for instance, will only result in a $250 bail amount in Los Angeles. This shows how greatly bail can vary. But luckily, regardless of a person’s bail amount, California mandates that bonding agencies charge no more than 10% of the face bail amount to post your bond. A Bail Hotline agent can quickly help you determine just what the potential bail is for whatever your offense under this statute. 

Punishment for Disorderly Conduct

Just like the bail amounts related to the crime, punishments for disorderly conduct can differ solely depending on the specific circumstances of a case. Due to the wide array of criminal acts that constitute disorderly conduct, California state Penal Code 647 doesn’t lay out possible punishments for all potential acts. It does, however, provide sentencing guidelines for a few forms of disorderly conduct.

Individuals who have been convicted of prostitution-related disorderly conduct once, for instance, will face at least 45 days in jail. For those with more than one prior conviction, this number jumps up to 90 days. In addition, a person convicted of “peeping Tom” related crimes can face imprisonment of up to one year.

Disorderly conduct is such a complex legal idea in California that it isn’t even directly mentioned in many of the California county bail bond schedules. This doesn’t mean, however, that an individual cannot be bailed out of jail when charged with the offense. In reality, they should attempt to do this as quickly as possible in order to start to build their defense. The legal consequences of a conviction can be definitely serious enough to warrant legal help. 

Probation Violations | California PC 1203.2


Most states in America have prison and jail populations that are simply out of hand, and this is no different in California. Due to the potential for ballooning incarceration rates, each state has a system which will allow certain individuals to be placed on probation rather than going to jail. This means that a person can have a sentence of jail time, or other potential consequences, which can be served on probation rather than behind bars. If a person is accused of violating that probation, however, they can face serious consequences.

What is Probation Violation?

As mentioned, probation is used as an alternative to more severe criminal punishments. When a person is released on probation, they face certain conditions that must be met if they want to remain on probation rather than going to jail. This can include staying away from certain people, not partaking in any drugs and not being rearrested for a new crime.

Sadly for many, if a peace officer, parole officer or probation officer has enough probable cause to believe that an individual has violated their probation, they can have that person rearrested. Just about any violation can lead to a rearrest, but it’s important to note that probation supervision cannot be revoked simply for an inability to pay restitution that was a condition of probation. However, if the court believes that an individual has the ability to make these payments and simply has not, their probation can be revoked.

Bail Amounts for Probation Violation

Probation violations bail amounts can vary greatly by situation and locale. These amounts vary by locale simply because California allows each individual county to set forth their own bail amounts. In Los Angeles County, for instance, a person will face a $10,000 bail amount for violating the terms of their probation. In Orange County, however, this amount jumps up to $15,000 for misdemeanors.

These figures, as mentioned, may also change within a specific county. A person on felony probation in Orange County, for instance, will not be granted any bail. In Sacramento County, on the other hand, an individual rearrested for violating felony probation will face a $20,000 bail amount. A violation of misdemeanor probation in the same county, however, will only result in a $10,000 bail amount.

These amounts of cash can be excessively difficult for an individual to come up with, and this is especially true if they’ve been consistently paying probation fees. Some California bond agencies, such as Bail Hotline, provide discounts and payment plans which can make it much easier for a person to secure their own release.

Punishments for Probation Violations

Probation is more of a privilege than a right, and because of this—if the court sees fit—it can terminate a person’s probation. Since probation is used in lieu of a potential punishment, its termination can lead to the initial penalties going into effect. In fact, a judge can sentence a person to the longest period of time that their initial crime could have led to. This means that a person who violates their probation may end up spending a longer time in jail than they otherwise would have.

Probation violations are taken seriously in California. Probation is seen as a second chance to keep to the straight and narrow, and when courts believe that this second chance has been squandered, they often punish individuals in the severest way possible. This is why anyone facing an accusation of probation violation should immediately contact legal help and start building their defense.

Identity Theft | California PC 530.5


There are certain crimes, such as burglary or assault, which have existed from the time when prisons first came into existence. Some crimes, however, have only recently evolved with the onset of advanced technology. Identity theft, for example, has become a huge problem in California due to the relative ease in which personal information can now be obtained. Unfortunately for those charged with the crime, the consequences are harsh, so it’s imperative to understand everything that they are facing.

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft can involve various crimes and charges. Willfully obtaining another’s personal information to use in an unlawful manner without the individual’s consent, for instance, constitutes identity theft. This includes any type of fraud which an individual may commit. In fact, even providing or selling another person’s personal information with the intent to defraud can be charged as identity theft.

It’s important to note that an actual intent to defraud isn’t even necessary to constitute identity theft. Simply selling or transferring an individual’s personal information while knowing that it will be used in a fraudulent manner is considered a crime. Any of these actions will result in identity theft and possibly other charges, so the first step should be to get in touch with a reputable bail bondsman who can begin working for your release.

Bail for Identity Theft

Bail amounts for identity theft can vary widely between counties and even within a certain region. In San Diego County, for instance, the bail schedule sets a $50,000 bail for those charged with this crime. Additionally, an individual with a prior conviction will be given a $40,000 bail amount if they even have another person’s information and intend to use it fraudulently.

Several California county bail schedules don’t specifically refer to identity theft, but the underlying crimes will often decide what bail a person faces. In Los Angeles County, for instance, felonies related to credit cards have a preset bail of $20,000. Luckily, in California the law puts a maximum of 10 percent of the face amount for agencies posting security bonds for a person’s release.

Penalties for Identity Theft

The penalties related to identity theft are varying and serious. This crime is known as a “wobbler,” meaning that it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. This choice is made by the prosecutor. A person convicted of a misdemeanor can face a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. This punishment, however, is amongst the most lenient.

A person convicted of felony identity theft can face three years in prison and fines of up to $10,000. Additionally, multiple charges of identity theft can be filed on an individual who used another’s personal information on numerous occasions. Even worse is the fact that several other crimes, such as credit card fraud and Internet fraud, can be charged as well if they were part of the identity theft.

Sadly, identity theft seems to be a problem that isn’t going away any time soon. For those accused of the crime, a long road of difficulty may lay ahead. There are several defenses to this allegation, and an individual with competent legal help may stand a good chance of being exonerated. The important thing is to quickly speak with an attorney and start building a defense to avoid the harsh repercussions related to a conviction.

Murder Laws | California PC 187


Anyone who has been charged with breaking the law in California can attest to the fact that the ‘Golden State’ is tough on crime. When it comes to heinous crimes, however, none are treated more seriously than that of murder. Anyone charged with murder knows that they are in dire straits, but it’s important to note that a murder charge doesn’t automatically equate to a conviction. Anyone charged with this crime, however, definitely needs to know what they’re up against.

Definition of Murder

Reason should dictate that, if there were any laws that should be complex by necessity, it’s those related to murder. While these laws are complex, however, the crime does still maintain a basic definition: unlawfully killing another human being or an unborn fetus with malice aforethought. Several types of killing are considered “unlawful,” but malice aforethought must be shown by the deliberate killing of a person, or by a deliberate action whose consequence is likely to be the death of another.

Murder Laws 

Types of Murder Charges:

1. First-degree murder can be charged against a person who willfully premeditates and carries out a killing. Additionally, lying in wait, using a destructive device (including poison, bombs and armor piercing bullets) and torturing a person in order to commit murder are also considered first-degree murder. Finally, a death caused through the commission of a felony can also be charged as first-degree murder.

2. Capital murder, one form of first-degree murder, is a murder that can be punished by the death sentence or life without parole. This crime is only chargeable if certain special circumstances, such as murdering multiple people, murdering for monetary gain or murdering a witness in order to prevent their testimony, took place.

3. Second-degree murder, on the other hand, is charged against a person who willfully committed a murder, but they did so without premeditation or without being deliberate. Firing a gun into a room full of people, for instance, can be charged as second-degree murder if someone dies, and this holds true even if it wasn’t the suspect’s intention.

Bail Amounts for Murder

All of California’s counties have the ability to set their own bail amounts. When it comes to murder, however, the counties are relatively uniform in their preset amounts. In Los Angeles and Orange Counties, for instance, murder is bailable at $1 million. Murder involving the aforementioned or any other special circumstances, however, isn’t bailable at all.

Certain counties, such as Sacramento, take a more hardline approach. Anyone charged with murder in Sacramento County is completely ineligible for bail. When bail is an option, however, it’s obvious that $1 million may be too much to access for most people. Luckily, California’s sets the bonding agency’s fee at no more than 10 percent of the face bail amount. While this is still a hefty chunk of change, it’s certainly a ray of hope toward building a case against the charge they face. To determine the bail schedule amount in any California county, Bail Hotline provides a list of California county jails and their contact information.
Punishments for Murder

Murder involving the special circumstances mentioned above, is a capital offense. This means that a person can be punished by life imprisonment without parole or by death. First-degree murder without special circumstance, however, can only be punished by life imprisonment, but the eligibility for parole disappears in this situation if the murder was a hate crime.

Finally, those charged with second-degree murder could also face life imprisonment; for those charged with this crime, certain factors, such as having been convicted of murder before, may result in a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

If there’s any criminal accusation where it’s essential to have time outside of jail to confer with an attorney, it’s that of murder. Anyone charged with this crime should seek immediate bail, but due to the extremely high cost of bail for this crime, it’s likely necessary to seek the services of a bail bond agency first. Afterward, only a criminal attorney can help ensure that a person has the best chance of overcoming these charges against them.

Check Fraud | California PC 476


Whenever most people think of financial crimes, the first things to pop into their heads are often Wall Street scams and Ponzi schemes. As many people have unfortunately found out, however, a person doesn’t have to be a big-time investor to instigate or simply be charged with a financial crime. Check fraud, for instance, is one such crime that just about anyone could commit – and those charged with the crime quickly find out how serious California treats this offense.

What is Check Fraud?

Check fraud has one of the most basic definitions of any crime in the entire California statutes. A person commits check fraud if they write, possess, pass or make an altered, forged or fake check in an attempt to gain property, services or money with fraudulent intent. Additionally, the mere attempt to do any of these actions can also be charged as check fraud.

This crime can include completely falsifying a check, such as creating a fake check drawn on a fake account, or simply altering one to make it worth more than it was originally intended. Once again, it’s important to remember that no one actually has to be harmed or defrauded for this crime to be charged. Intent to defraud another is enough for the charge.

Bail Amounts for Check Fraud

California has predetermined punishments for check fraud, but the state allows each county to choose its own preset bail amount. This results in widely varying bail amounts in each county’s bail bond schedule. Some counties, such as Sacramento and Santa Cruz, fall in line with each other when it comes to bail amounts for check fraud, with a preset bail amount of $5,000 for both regions.

Other counties, such as Los Angeles, treat the crime a bit more harshly and set their bail amount at $20,000. Regardless of the county, however, it’s obvious that these amounts are more than most people have at their disposal. Luckily, a Bail Hotline agent can secure a person’s release for no more than 10 percent of the bail amount they’re facing. This action will allow them to quickly get out of jail, get back to their jobs and family, and also plan out their defense against the charge.
Punishments for Check Fraud

While California has preset punishments for check forgery, these consequences can still vary. Check fraud is known as a “wobbler;” this means that a prosecutor can choose to charge it as a felony or a misdemeanor. If charged as a misdemeanor, a convicted individual can face one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. If charged as a felony, however, a convicted person may end up in prison for up to three years and owe a $10,000 fine.

Check fraud is a very serious form of forgery that can result in several years in the state penitentiary. This is why it’s essential for anyone charged with the crime to quickly seek out an attorney to defend them. It’s often best to be on the outside world rather than in jail when picking an attorney, and luckily, bail bond agencies can make this quite easy. If a person starts making the right moves as soon as they’re arrested, they will have a good chance of overcoming these serious charges. 

Petty Theft with a Prior | CA PC 666


Most individuals understand that they could face increasingly serious consequences if they make a habit of getting arrested; and with statutes like those creating “three strike laws,” it’s never really a surprise when an individual faces harsher penalties for multiple arrests.

 One area that many individuals are surprised by, however, is petty theft charges when a person has certain prior convictions. Though it comes as a surprise to most, charges of petty theft with a prior can be very serious.

What is Petty Theft with a Prior?

 The law related to ‘petty theft with a prior’ can be found within the California Penal Code, and it states that those convicted of prior theft crimes who are then charged with petty theft can face increased consequences. These prior crimes can include burglary, petty theft, grand theft, robbery and several other types of theft-related charges.

Luckily for those arrested, a charge of petty theft with a prior can only be brought if a person has spent time in jail for three of the aforementioned types of criminal acts or if they spent time in jail for one of those crimes plus either a sex crime or other “serious” felony.

Bail Amounts for Petty Theft with a Prior

Bail amounts are not mandated by the state of California, and because of this, counties set their own bail amounts in their bail schedules. This means that these amounts can vary by county, and in reality, they may even vary by prosecutor. This is because petty theft with a prior is considered a “wobbler” in California; meaning it can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor.

Some counties, such as Los Angeles, have bail set for misdemeanor petty theft with a prior at $2,500, but it’s when the felony charges kick in that this becomes even more serious. Still considering Los Angeles, this amount jumps to $20,000 if charged as a felony. Orange County also has the felony charge set at $20,000, but some counties, such as Sacramento, have this lowered to $10,000.

The most important thing for a person charged with this crime to remember is that they don’t have to pay these full amounts to get out of jail. California’s family-owned bail bond agency,Bail Hotline, can secure a person’s release at a small percentage of the face bail amount – and even payment plans are even possible. This makes it easy for a person to quickly be released so they can start working on their defense, get back home to their families and to their jobs.

Punishments Petty Theft with a Prior

As mentioned earlier, petty theft with a prior can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony. If charged as a misdemeanor, it can only be punished by one year in jail. If it is charged as a felony, however, the penalty can be as much as three years in a state prison. Since this can be a result for nothing more than a few shoplifting convictions, it’s obvious how serious these multiple charges can become.

California takes repeat offenses very seriously, and this even includes petty theft charges. Individuals facing these charges would do well to quickly make bail and seek legal assistance. These are very serious charges, and the consequences can be much more detrimental than those they have faced in the past.

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